Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pg. 290 1-3 and 5

1. Blue chip stocks, incime sticks, growth stocks cyclical stocks, defensice stocks, large cap stocks, small cap stocks,and penny stocks.

2. Newspapers, the internet, stock adcisory services, and corporate news publications.

3. Current yield, total return, earnings per share, and price earnings ratio.

5. $1100

Monday, February 9, 2009

Section 9.1 questions 1-4, 6

1. Companies issue common stock to raise money to start up their bussinesses and then to help pay for ongoing activities.

2. They purchase common stock to make money in three different ways. They profit when they receive dividendsm, when thethe dollar value of their stock appreciates, and when the stock splits and increases in dollar value.

3. Preferred stock is considered a safer investment than common stock. People who want a steady source of income often buy preferred stock.

4. The management belives that the stock should be trading within an ideal price range. If the market value is higher than this range, a stock split brings the market value back into line. The lower price also attracts more investors. The public also believes that when a stock splits the company is very good financialy.

6. He should recieve $67.50 each year.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Table for Zero

As the economy suffers so does the restraunt business. Fewer customers are going out to eat and the customers the businesses do have are ordering cheaper meals. This decrease in profits is forcing owners to lay off employes and even in some cases closing the business. This is really hurting the hispanic immigrant population that rely on the industry for entry-level work. In my opinion is that it will hurt college students sense many students have waitressing jobs while going to school.