Monday, December 8, 2008

The Rich Pay Alot of Taxes?

They paid 40% of their income tax.

We know from income mobility data that they are "new rich".

France's income tax - 10%-48.09% Russia's income tax - 13%

VAT stands for Value Added Tax. It is a form of tax applied during production. This tax is similiar to sales tax. VAT can be found by the credit method or subtraction method.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Small Business Administration

The Small Business Administration was created on July 30, 1953. This administration was created from many different predecessor agencies to respond to the effects of the Great Depression and World War 2. Many small businesses were left in the dust during the war because big corporations could create war machines much faster. Small businesses were unable to compete with the big businesses.
The Small Business Administration aids, counsels, protects, and assists small businesses. It also promises a business a fair proportion of sales of surplus property and government contracts. Since it was created SBA has given to small businesses twenty million loans, contracts, loan guarantees, counseling sessions, and other assistance.
The SBA regulates small businesses. Some people believe that big businesses are more efficient than small businesses. The problem with getting rid of small businesses is they make innovations. Most of small businesses produce items that are in our houses, shops, and museums. They also employ many workers.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sudden Impact

"Sudden Impact" is an article about Esther Phiri, a woman boxer from Zambia. She grew up poor and had no way to support her job unless she acquired sponsors. Zambia is poor enough to where corporations nor the government can afford to sponsor athletics. Finally the general manager of national milling decided to sponsor one of Phiri's fights. She won and national milling signed a two year contract with Phiri. Now Phiri is a famous boxer and National Milling is also popular.

My opinion is that she deserves what she got sense she had to work hard to get there. National Milling made a great decision to sponsor her. She should win more fights and when her contract expires make a deal with a corporation with more money.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

channel 1 news 9/30 2008

Why is hugo supporting all the aggressive countries?

Monday, September 29, 2008

anxiety spreads questions

The main reason that she has been raising her bagel prices is shipping. The indgrediants she recieves to make the bagels are shipped by suppliers from nearby states. The price increase in gasoline has led to higher priced bagels.
Goods have gone up so the person who owns the rent house also has to raise rent to make up for price of goods that they bought.
Consumer Price Index- a government program that collects data monthly on how much americans pay for a group of goods or services.
Core Inflation-The measure of inflation which does not include products that readily change in price. ex: food, energy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Current Economic Situation

A subrime mortgage is given to people who have bad credit that do not have sufficient credit to recieve a regular mortgage.
Credit insurance protects your credit when you are not able to work or have no job. This insurance pays for a percentage of your expenses.
When the housing market went down the people that had subrime mortagages defaulted which led to banks going bankrupt.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What Country's Economy Other Than Ours Suffered the Most?

The Weimer Republic of Germany suffered the most during the depression, as America's loans sent to aid in rebuilding the German economy now stopped. Unemployment skyrocketed, especially in larger cities, and the government steered toward extremism. Repayment of the war actions due by Germany were delayed in 1932 following the luassane conference of 1932. Germany had repaid 1/8th of the debts. Hitler came to power in January 1933. In 1934 the economy was still not stable enough for Germany to work on its own.

Monday, September 22, 2008

How we came out of the depression

The New Deal is what ultimetly brought us out of the Great Depression. This consisted of programs such as the National Recovery Administration (NRA). This program proposed setting minimum prices and wages and competitive conditions in all industries. There were many different programs that brought us out of the Depression. Big construction projects were also conceived that lowered the unemployment rate. The economy eventually started going up after RFD was elected and the New Deal was proposed.

Effects of the Great Depression

The Great Depression badly affected the American people because there wasn’t a welfare system for unemployed workers. Between 1929 and 1933 money income fell 53% and as a result, demand fell considerably. This led to lower levels of production. It led to the election of President FDR, who created the programs known as the New Deal to overcome the effects of the Great Depression. The people came to expect and accept a larger federal role in their lives and the economy.

Causes of the Great Depression

Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression. The main cause for the Great Depression was the combination of the many unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920's, and the stock market speculation that took place during the later part of that decade. Stock market speculation in my own words is people who decide if a certain stock will raise in the future and than buy it if they think it will. Then they sell it later for a higher price than they sold it for. Money was distributed unequally between the rich and the middle-class, between industry and agriculture within the United States, and between the U.S. and Europe. This imbalance of wealth created an unstable economy. The overabundant speculation in the late 1920's kept the stock market artificially high, but eventually lead to large market crashes. These market crashes, combined with the horrible distribution of wealth, caused the American economy to capsize.